

A Professor in the department of electrochemistry at St. Petersburg University create a π conjugated polymers modified by functional groups with potential high capacity that's safer than lithium ion batteries.

A Professor in the department of electrochemistry at St. Petersburg University create a π conjugated polymers modified by functional groups with potential high capacity that's safer than lithium ion batteries.

Lithium ion batteries dominant a small format battery basically for portable electronic devices and commonly used in electric vehicles.

They have a number of serious issues such as a potential fire hazards and they are extensive worldwide both on cell phone and electrical cars and the reason they catch fire is because of the constant charging  (overcharging), short circuit etc, as a result of the battery been overheated increasing up to 70°c and 90°c can lead to hazardous chemical reactions that may result in further increasing of temperature and consequently causing fire or explosure.

To develop a safety strategy of the battery based on the chemical Reactions Prof Oley Levin, a professor in the department of electrochemistry at St. Petersburg University prospose to use a special polymer, it's electrical conductivity can adjust to the voltage fluctuations in the battery.
If the battery works normally, the polymer does not prevent the electric current flowing when the battery is overcharged, there is short circuit or a battery voltage that drops below its normal operating levels, the polymer goes into an insulator, circuit breakers or mode.

Oley V. Levin Research areas: 
Organic and Metal organic batteries.
Charge transfer process in polymer films of       metal complexes with schif basis.
¶ Double layer and hybrid super capacitor.
¶ Li- ion batteries.

Prof Oley Levin became a permanent member of the department after his research on Li-ion battery department of Samsung SDI company, south Korea. His research interest are connected with electrochemical power sources and polymeric metal complexes.

The aim of the research is to create cathode organic material of a new type based organic and metal organic compounds and also the cathode material based on π conjugated polymers modified by functional groups with potential high capacity.

Oley V. Levin stated that there's polymers that change resistance when heated, the problem we face when using this polymer in an insulator, the technology undergoes overheating which has resulted to hazardous process that cannot be stopped by merely breaking the electric circuit.

Oley V. Levin with the help of his postgraduate student by name Anna Fedorova who worked in an industry, in the project she was mainly concerned in calculating the physical and the chemical properties of the materials.

The project lasted for 2 years, the scientists have carried out their research to resolve the discovered problem of the polymer through the study of the physical and chemical change of a wide range of a polymer, they discovered a set of polymers that change resistance with voltage.

What makes the technology more safer is because of its high scalability, for example how big the traditional adjusting guard circuit depends on how powerful the battery is.
therefore, the scheme of the motive power batteries of electric cars will be both big and costly.

Lastly, lithium ion battery have different type of cathodes such as the positive charged cathode that allows the electrons to enter an electric device. 
The polymer is suitable for only one type of battery which is lithium ion phosphate battery.

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