

Brad Spernak, Chief technology officer of prosolar company reported a robbery case leaving a reward of $10, 000 to anyone that returned the stolen Tesla batteries

It was discovered earlier yesterday that a couple of thieves broke into a solar company and stole a Tesla batteries with estimation worth $45, 000.

Brad Spernak, Chief technology officer of prosolar company in Florida virgin islands, on his post  on Facebook yesterday offer a reward of $100, 000 to whoever that have a clue on the robbery case. 

On Friday after when presolar staff were having quality time with friends and families, a group of thieves broke into the company and got away with Tesla batteries with estimation worth $45,000 and also the largest valuable vehicle, a white 2008 Ford (IFMCU49H68KE19144), he added that camera to capture them but the faces not showing because they were with masks, but was able to obtain their fingerprints. 

With enough reasons that the robbery is not worth for, because it's of no use stealing what you can't have access of.

The Tesla powerwall required a Tesla powerwall certification ID to open the wizard an register the powerwall to make it work.

And once the unregistered Tesla batteries is somehow open will still be tagged stolen in the system, putting the buyer much in trouble.

It also have a brain that have AT&T cell card inside with a GPS location, making it possible to locate once the stolen powerwall have been installed.

It have a high voltage of 45V and it take in AC power as an input and takes out AC power as an output to, and does not work as any other 2V/12V batteries batteries and can't be used in any other inverter in the market.

Lastly it's madevof lithium cells instead of copper or lead cells and also the 10years warranty with no technical support will be scrapped out, and if stored more than 6months without charging will render it useless.

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